Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Who Am I?

Co Campbell - Conquerer

Today I've decided to sit down and ask myself the hard questions I've never had to confront before such as; who am I? What are my hopes and dreams for the future? With life's losses, how will I move forward to the best life I can have? What are my goals and aspirations? 

The previous post was about being a "Godly wife in an UnGodly world" which is the cause of today's post. With insecurities and fears flooding my world I've lost perspective of who I am. When my marriage life was fine or at least not as drained as it is now I was full of love, life and laughter. I was confident and I enjoyed what life had to offer however, since the tsunami hit my marriage front I've been tossed around in the waves. I've lost perspective, I've lost my confidence, I've lost my love for life and all it has to offer. It's as if the tsunami swept in and stole my joy, stole my confidence and it seems it stole my hope for the future. Who am I? And where did I go? 

I understand as a Christian I should be able to confront life's issues with "hope" insight and that my life shouldn't look similar to the non believer because of God's amazing grace. However, some of life's tsunamis can truly knock us off our feet to the point where we lose perspective. I've been knocked down but I will not stay down. You see that's the difference, non believers may not dust themselves off and get back up because honestly what do they have left to get back up for? When you are facing lifes trials as a believer you have strength that goes far beyond yourself, you become resilient through Christ who gives you strength. 

So, who am I? Well, I'm a believer. I'm a precious child of God. I am his princess. I am his image bearer. I am a Saint. I am forgiven. I am beautifully and wonderfully made. I am accepted. I am gracious. I am loved. I am a wife, daughter and sister. I am a friend to many.  I'm learning that I'm valued and valuable to God. I'm learning that I have many emotions but they are not who I am. They are expressions that can be controlled. I am ME!

I'm adjusting to my new not so "fairytale" life. I'm learning to accept that people don't always live up to our expectations and that's okay because we are all human and we all stumble and fall at times.

What are my hopes and dreams for my new life? My hopes and dreams are that through this life altering experience I come out in a much closer relationship with my Heavenly Daddy and my husband in a bond that cannot be broken. I hope that I will be able to stand firm in my identity in Christ no matter what life throws at me as I will not be easily pushed or shoved in any direction. I hope to be full of joy, love and compassion for others and myself. 

How will I move forward? Well, one small step or crawl at a time keeping my eyes set on Jesus. If I get knocked down, I will get back up again. I will have this victory in Jesus name. I am not a victim, I am a survivor. 

What are my goals and aspirations? To live out the best and most fulfilling life I can that glorifies my God. I want the marriage I have always desired and I will not take anything less because Jesus knows the desires of my heart and the suffering I've had to endure and he knows what's best for me. I want my children that has been promised. I will not let those who've hurt me steal the desires of my heart.

This morning I woke to anxiety, fear and insecurities about going out into this big bad world and being afraid that everything I've ever worked hard for was destroyed by others sinful choices but then it hit me. I haven't lost anything. In fact, those people who were trying to steal my joy are "bottom feeders". 

"Bottom feeders will always try and eat up all the crumbs of your lunch. They may get a nibble or two but they will never have access to the whole buffet."

What I mean by this is that people may try to take things from you that are rightfully yours and they may sneak their way in a little but they can never have it all because it belongs to you. Like my marriage, it has been ordained by God and people and/or the enemy may want to destroy it or take from it and they may successfully get in through a small crack but they will not be able to destroy it simply because it's in Gods hands and now built on a firm foundation. I think the important thing I need to remember is that a person willing to take the crumbs obviously has a low self worth or Christ worth and really needs my compassion and grace. I can show grace because I've been shown grace. I will stand united with my husband on the front line looking up to God for direction and we will survive this fall. 

So who am I? Well, I'm a woman growing in leaps and bounds who still has fears but will not let them rule over me through Christ who gives me strength.

God Bless You!

Finding my way back to ME!

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