Knowing Our Identity

Today is an extremely important topic for all Christians because knowing our true identity in Christ provides us with a firm foundation along with knowing and sharing the Gospel. When we know who we are, we are more likely to stand firm through life's many trials that are sometimes thrown our way or caused by our own free will. The more we know who we are and whose we are the less likely the enemy will be able to gain strongholds in our lives. Satan hates it when we know who we are. My husband and I have been gradually working through a Mark Driscoll series called "Who Do You Think You Are?" which he teaches from the book of Ephesians from the Holy Bible on identity crisis.

Please click on the name to access each sermon below to begin this series. Before you click on these sermons I believe it's important that we all pray for wisdom and discernment so that we can understand what is being said in each message. Take the time to invite The Holy Spirit into each session. This may take you a few weeks to get through depending on you personally but I can promise you that it is definitely worth it.

Part 1: I am___?

Part 3: I am a Saint

Part 4: I am Blessed

Part 6: I am Saved

Part 9: I am Heard

Part 10: I am Gifted

Part 11: I am New

Part 12: I am Forgiven

Part 13: I am Adopted

Part 14: I am Loved

Part 15: I am Fathered

Part 16: I am Rewarded

Part 17: I am Victorious

By now you have hopefully listened to each sermon and have truly begun to understand who you are and that no matter what we go through in life, we are so very precious and loved by the all mighty God. It's amazing the kind of revelation you get as you start to break down those walls and allow God in. One thing I suggest is to not rush through these sermons. I believe meditating on each word, studying the bible scriptures that are provided will give you a deeper understanding as well. 

May God Bless you on your journey to knowing who you really are!

Identity is in Christ!

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