Saturday, July 20, 2013

Adventures To Be Had

Hey everyone, so it's been a few days since my last blog because my husband and I have been in deep discussion about the future, our desires and plans. One thing you need to know about us is that we LOVE to travel. I mean it! We absolutely love to travel. We have been quite a few places together and separately in our lives and since children are currently not in our plans as we are waiting on God's timing in this area we've decided to take advantage of this time we have. As you may know from previous blogs, my husband and I have been in a REALLY rough season of our lives this past year and it's coming up to our 1 year anniversary in September of when things began to spiral out of control for us. We have had some extreme lows, we've had to face some seriously ugly truths and we have had to rely 100% on God to heal us and bring us through this season to full restoration. It has been tough! What I can say is that we both now feel like we need a season of FUN. A season to make new memories together. To rebuild our marriage from the brokenness it had to endure and it's only through Christ that this is even possible. So, we have decided to pack up our house, rent it out, sell one of our cars and begin a new adventure! We are both so excited!! 

At the beginning of this painful season I wanted so badly to just run away and escape my troubles however, my husband and I were given wise counsel to not make any rash decisions for 12 months and to grin and bare it. You see had we of left when I wanted to, we wouldn't have faced the demons in our closet and we would have carried the ugliness around with us so I'm definitely thankful and proud that we stuck to the healing journey because now that it is time to pack up for an adventure my conscience is clear. I know that we aren't doing it to escape anything. I realise no matter where we go this season will always exist in our past but it no longer has to control my present and future so this is why it's time to start making new, beautiful memories together. Putting ourselves out there to experience the wonders of the world. So, the plan is to do a working holiday throughout Australia! I know right!?! How amazing!

The other thing we've had a recent revelation of is that we will be like missionaries, travelling around and having the opportunity to spread the Gospel and share our testimonies  all for the benefit of our Heavenly Father. All though we will not be attending our home church we will have the opportunity to experience many others throughout Australia and when we are out of reach in the outback we will have podcasts and of course our bibles. I will keep you posted a long the way as we go as I believe that this blog will become the place we share testimonies of the people we come in contact with etc. 

As for now though, it's just a lot of organising ahead. You know, selling the car, getting the house up to scratch and putting it on the rental market, finding work (which we've already got a pretty good idea of the jobs we want to work) and getting some finances behind us. I'm sure it will take us all the way to September just to get things some what organised but nevertheless it's all very exciting.

If I go a little quiet for a while just know that it's because I maybe painting walls or organising things for our trip. 

God Bless,

Adventure Warrior!

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