Friday, July 26, 2013

Changing Roles


Today's post is simply about something that has happened recently in my life and boy it's a miracle. It's just some of the over flow from my husband and I handing our lives back over to Gods very capable hands. I know, our lives were never our own but it's funny how sometimes we can try to pretend like they are and that we have a handle on things haha. Anyway, if you've been reading my blog from the start you maybe aware that my husband and I have been going through a really rough season these past 10 months, all though things are becoming more settled only through the grace of God. For the past week my husband has begun to like cooking! I know it seems so small and not worth acknowledging but if you really knew my husband you'd know that this is a MIRACLE. He and I have always been food lovers in the eating sense but lately my husband has found joy in cooking. It started out at his work where he would bake cookies and cakes for the children but he would bring me one home most times because he knew I would enjoy it. Then just two days ago he decided that he wanted to cook dinner and dessert and of course as the main food provider I was more than happy to have a break from standing over the stove. It's really not important as to what he cooked but that he is doing it simply because he had a revelation of what it means to be like Christ is to the church. There has been a clear message in all the sermons he has been listening to recently about roles within a marriage and what it truly means to be a leader within a household. The bible states that husbands are to love their wives and wives are to respect their husbands. My husbands revelation is truly showing his deep love for Christ and for me. He's serving me, showing me acts of kindness and not just because he wants something out of it but simply because he wants me to feel appreciated and loved. He's also seen what price Jesus had to pay for his sins and realises just how much he has to be thankful for. He's not the only one that has had a revelation. Through his acts of kindness I've experienced what it means to be a daughter of the most high. An heir to the throne. My heart has experienced a new level of healing through his willingness to be selfless. I'm so appreciative for my husband and I have gained a new level of respect for him. Not for the act itself but the intent in his heart. You see men, you treat your lady like royalty and not just for some twisted sense of self gain, it will pay off!

I will say that the meals were absolutely stunning! Amazing tasting foods. It's become a new hobby as he's been cooking the last 2 days and plans to cook tonight. 

I'm just so thankful for the growth in the both of us. My husband is my treasure sent from heaven as well and I'm thankful that God could see what amazing potential my husband and I had and deemed us worth saving. Thank You Jesus!

God Bless, 

Fit for a Princess!

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