Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Tormented By The Past - Part 2

Hi brothers and sisters, if you haven't read "Part 1" please do so, so that you can keep up to date with God's amazing healing abilities. May God bless you all!

Today I'm going to continue on with "Tormented By The Past - Part 2". What can I say? God can work so quickly when he knows you need his help. When you are putting all your focus on God he can truly provide you with peace and strength to get you through your troubles. The last few days I was truly reaching my breaking point. I couldn't stop the tears from pouring down my face, I felt tormented, beaten, bruised and forgotten but through all of that I was still able to cry out to God. The one thing I've realised is that no matter what I go through in life, no matter how much someone has hurt me, they cannot take away my ability to talk to my Lord and Saviour. Nothing can ever come between this relationship I share with him. 

Another thing I've realised is that it may seem like I/we are powerless BUT through the blood of Jesus Christ we have authority over this world through him. So what does that mean? Well it means that only we can allow fear into our lives. We have a choice to deny it room in our lives or we can fall victim to it and allow it to take up room it doesn't deserve. Satan will try to remind you of past failures and sufferings but it is up to us to declare VICTORY over those things in the name of Jesus. Now, I'm not saying this is easy. Believe me, I struggle with this all the time but the one thing  that you and I need to remember is that Satan is in for an eternal life in hell and he is miserable about it. He's just trying to make you miserable and ruin your relationship with G0d. The sooner you realise this, the sooner satan has less power over you. At times, I felt powerless because I allowed him to make me feel that way. I didn't feel like I had a choice but in reality we all have a choice as to how we let things define us. Stand firm and remember that God goes into battle for us, we just have to continue to stand firm and praise our Heavenly Father. Expect healings, expect restoration and start talking life into your situation instead of death.

You can say something like: "I am healed through the blood of Jesus Christ. I have nothing to fear because I am wonderfully and beautifully made. I am a child of God and no weapon formed against me shall prosper. My marriage has been completely restored to that of it's original design and we have a new covenant in Jesus name, AMEN!" 

Then I remind myself of all God's promises for my life such as, our twin baby boys. These types of things are worth holding on to. God truly loves us, all of us and if we keep our focus on him nothing shall ever truly harm us. 

Proverbs 29:25 The fear of man brings a snare: but whoever puts his trust in the LORD shall be safe.

I recently found out something absolutely mind blowing that has truly resonated with me. Did you know that it is truly important that we praise God even through our trials and tribulations? Before we even begin to request something from him we should be thanking him and praising him for what he has done and what he is going to do. In a sense this is where we breathe life into our situation by thanking Jesus for our victory over the "current" situation. Sing, shout and dance in praise for our Heavenly Father and you will start to see huge differences in your life. It may not happen how or when you want it to but it will happen. God has a plan for our lives and he has a plan for us to prosper, you just have to keep the faith and hold on tight. We know that this season will end and that it can't last forever so don't let the enemy steal your joy. 

God is LOVE!

Fighting the battle to win!

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