Thursday, June 27, 2013

Off Topic Friday - Organic is the word!

Hey folks, so today is another one of those blessed days where I get to just talk about anything I feel that is important whether relevant to my walk in faith or not and today I'm going to talk about my newfound love for ALL things ORGANIC!! That's right, my husband and I have jumped on the organic bandwagon. I never thought I'd see the day but it has officially arrived. It's amazing how when you start putting things in God's order for your life other areas seem to follow. We have had this strong conviction in the area of produce and what we are putting in our bodies. As a person of faith, our bodies really are a temple and they need to be treated as such. 

As I began to dive more into the reasons why we should go organic, I've come to the conclusion that not only is it safer for you and healthier but it's also a great way to support your local farmers. Times are getting tough everywhere financially and what better way to try help out those who ACTUALLY care about what we put in our bodies! These amazing organic farmers have to jump through so many extra hoops than those who use the pesky pesticides on our foods so I feel it's important to support them.

So, yesterday I picked up my very first EVER Co-Op fruit and veg box from the Organic Corner Store! It's fabulous!! Not only is this market fabulous for my awesome Co-Op box but it's also a really cool hangout place. They have so much on offer!

What is a Co-Op Box you ask?
As described by the Organic Corner Store website: "A co-op provides customers with certified organic, seasonal produce with minimal packaging. There is no mark up on the bulk order so customers are accessing reasonably priced certified organic produce. OCS order’s from a wholesaler. We divide and pack the boxes."

Checkout the amazing food I bought! (The box has some depth to it as well).

Okay, besides the beautiful organic fruit and veg we are now eating, we have also started cooking with "organic coconut oil" instead of other oils such as olive oil etc. I have to say that I'm truly loving this new experience. When roasting pumpkin I put coconut oil over it with salt and pepper and it is the most AMAZING tasting pumpkin ever! I literally do not use any other oil anymore. It's so freeing knowing that this oil is actually REALLY good for you as well. 

Besides the above changes, we are also using cacao powder when making smoothies, homemade healthy chocolate, avocado cacao mousse and many other things! I'm officially addicted to "avocado mousse" that a friend of mine put me on to. I cannot get enough! We have also changed out our peanut butters, maple syrup and honey all for ORGANIC! 

So to wrap this blog up, my husband and I are food LOVERS! We love to dine out and experience new, wonderful restaurants and taste exquisite dishes but what we've come to realise is that we can have that wonderful food experience right at home and let it be healthy for us too. I'm not saying we will stop eating out because it's also a lot of fun but I'm definitely making a HUGE effort to make amazing healthy, organic dishes at home as well.

God Bless,

Future Organic Farm Wannabe!

Sunday, June 23, 2013

A Proverbs 31 Wife

I recently realised a "blogging error" I've been making for not acknowledging where my pics come from so please forgive me! The above pic comes from:

The Wife of Noble Character
A spoken word from the mother of King Lemuel

Proverbs 31:10-30

I'm going to spend a bit of time on the above scripture today and I guess give a clearer understanding of what is meant of the "Proverbs 31 wife". I'm sure there are many women who would appreciate this being interpreted into something more relatable for today's society so I'm going to give it ago. Let's start off by breaking down each verse.

10 A wife of noble character who can find? She is worth far more than rubies. 
- This verse is quite simple really. A noble woman's value is much more than just material things or her outwardly appearance. It's truly about what's on the inside. 

11 Her husband has full confidence in her and lacks nothing of value.
- Self explanatory really. Her husband trusts her and believes full heartedly in her capabilities as a helper.

12 She brings him good, not harm, all the days of her life. 
- She is a faithful helpmate who uplifts her husband with  her words and actions. She is respectful and helps him to be a better man through Christ, Jesus.

13 She selects wool and flax and works with eager hands. 
- This is where things begin to get interesting because the vast majority of us are no longer sewing garments for our families however, we do clothe our families by finding good deals and doing the legwork to find them. 

14 She is like the merchant ships, bringing her food from afar. 
- Most wives and/or mother's usually do the grocery shopping right? I'm sure there are a few husbands out there doing this or sharing the duties as well however, my focus today is on the women. As women we usually search for affordable deals and healthier options for our families and sometimes that may mean travelling to organic produce markets etc. Even in today's society we are still doing this.

15 She gets up while it is still night; she provides food for her family and portions for her female servants. 
- I'm personally not a mother as yet but I do provide food for my husband and make sure that there is food prepared for him after he has finished a hard day at work. I am a homemaker, at times finances can be limited and as a helper I do my best to come up with nutritionally balanced meal options with whatever ingredients we have in the house. 

As for the mother's out there, you are champions! I've played a motherly role whilst doing a nanny position a couple of years ago where I had to get up much earlier than the child so I could be showered, dressed and ready before he woke up. I then would have to make lunches, organise school bags, sort out breakfast and then wake him up and get him ready for school and then drop him off. This is all before 7:30am. Not to mention the rest of your daily chores such as either going to work or back home to clean, look after the younger children and then prepare dinner all before having to pick up the child/ren from school again. Oh and did I mention pay the bills, take children to appointments and do the grocery shopping as well!?! Mother's have a lot on their plate!

16 She considers a field and buys it; out of her earnings she plants a vineyard.
- I would relate this to buying a house. Generally it's a joint decision between the husband and wife however, a lot of times you find that the wife deals with the nitty gritty stuff like, following up the loans, putting in an offer and filling out all the paperwork for settlement etc. In today's society there would be a lot less women being able to just afford a "field" on her own savings however, I'm sure if we could, we would!

17 She sets about her work vigorously; her arms are strong for her tasks. 
- Pretty self explanatory. Women whether they are homemaker's (with or without children), paid workers or both are always working vigorously to meet the needs of their loved ones.

18 She sees that her trading is profitable, and her lamp does not go out at night. 
- Her "trading" could be either the paid worker who helps provide an income to the family salary and/or the homemaker who is vigorously working in the home completing the many chores. In regards to the "lamp", bills are being paid in a timely fashion.

19 In her hand she holds the distaff and grasps the spindle with her fingers. 
- Again this is like verse 13. Majority of people aren't doing too much sewing unless it's their hobby or they happen to be really talented at it and have started a side business. Majority of today's society, especially in Western society buy their clothes from affordable outlet stores or online. 

20 She opens her arms to the poor and extends her hands to the needy. 
- Most people would do their best to help out the less fortunate if they could. I won't say all because there are many people male and female out there that turn a blind eye to those in need but a Proverbs 31 wife see's those in need as an opportunity to serve The Lord. Some people don't have much time t0 spare however, they can provide financial assistance and other's cannot afford to provide the finances but can definitely volunteer their time. 

21 When it snows, she has no fear for her household for all of them are clothed in scarlet. 
- This one can be tough simply because everyone economic standards are different and some people are really struggling to keep a roof over their families heads and on the other side of the spectrum there are people being able to give their families anything and everything they ever need. I think it's important to note that a Proverbs 31 wife would aim to have her family dressed in warm clothes and in a warm household but even if she couldn't provide those things due to circumstances, I can guarantee she would give her own warm clothes off her back to keep her children warm if she had too. The one thing to take note on is that a Proverbs 31 wife shouldn't fear because she knows that God will provide if she puts her full faith in him. 

22 She makes coverings for her bed; she is clothed in fine linen and purple. 
- Some women may sew bed linen and/or clothes but the majority of us will be sure to buy those things so our families are warm at night. 

23 Her husband is respected at the city gate, where he takes his seat among the elders of the land. 
- This one could relate to your husband being respected in the general community and/or at church and through his strong, faith centred foundation he has become a respectable member of society. 

24 She makes linen garments and sells them, and supplies the merchants with sashes.
- Maybe you have a side business you run from home, baking, making things that you can sell and you help provide an income or maybe you work a part time job. This obviously isn't for everyone in today's society and I think we need to remember that we play a unique part in the "whole" body of Christ so sewing or making things may not be your God given talent. We cannot have everyone completing the same tasks in life otherwise there would be parts missing. 

25 She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come. 
- Let me tell you, women are STRONG! We are put through a lot in life and we still continue to bounce back with our heads held high, especially Christian women. We may come across as timid, or taking direction from our husband but boy do you have it all wrong! We are the helpmate, we are what keeps this ship afloat. If it weren't for women, men would be lonely and things would fall apart. (That's not to say men are weak or can't do things, NO!) God saw that Adam was lonely in the garden of Eden and needed a helper. If God could see the important role we would play then I think it's important to acknowledge what God saw within us before we were even created. We can laugh even during some of the toughest times of our lives and that ALL Christians because this is only our temporary home, we are waiting to return to where we belong. This world is fallen, expect fallen things to happen but hold your head high knowing that you are a precious child of God!

26 She speaks with wisdom, and faithful instruction is on her tongue.
- You ever noticed that women just seem to have that "natural" intuition? Well, I have and I know it's that because we are generally more the emotional being, we seem to be more in touch with our senses and more in touch with The Holy Spirit who dwells in us. I can't tell you how many times The Holy Spirit has warned me of dangers in my marriage before me even knowing about it. That nagging feeling on your heart, it is there for a reason. It is Gods way of showing us what we are facing and if we acknowledge it correctly in prayer he will direct us in how we can approach the situation. The important thing to remember is, it's all about the approach. Whether The Holy Spirit is warning you of a bad financial situation, a friendship, illness or even a marriage issue please pray on it and ask for guidance. When we don't we can come across as nagging mother's to our spouses and that is not what God intended. You have to be wise in all things you do. It's important to stay in the word of God, keeping the word on your tongue and in your heart. It will help with the times of trials. The more we learn from the word the wiser we will become. 

27 She watches over the affairs of her household and does not eat the bread of idleness. 
- This relates to number 25. Women are strong and we can be an amazing helper if we follow God's pattern for our lives. It's a woman's role to not only support her husband in his decision making, to support his many dreams but it's also our job to watch over the affairs of our households. As husband and wife, brother's and sister's in Christ it is ALL our jobs to keep one another accountable. Nowhere in the bible does it say that a woman should just allow her husband to rule over her, we are equals to our husbands it's just that our husbands have a lot more responsibility on their shoulders. They have to answer to God if they lead their families astray, that is their responsibility, not ours. However, we are to definitely in a loving manner show them the errors of their ways and vice versa. It's no walk in the park ladies and gentlemen. Not eating bread from idles can be many things in todays society such as not getting involved in things that don't glorify our God as an over all perspective. 

28 Her children arise and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her: 
- Isn't this just a beautiful picture!?! Oh, I could just live in this blessed bubble all the days of my life.... haha. Okay back to reality we go. Yes, there will be moments in our lives where our children for those of you who are mothers will acknowledge you with love and affection. Big open armed hugs running towards you, telling you that "you're the best mummy/mommy in the world!" There will be those beautiful moments when your husband acknowledges your hard efforts and tells you, "You are the most beautiful woman in the world, I love you dearly" and your heart will melt. However, there will be the times when you're butting heads with your spouse and your children seem like absolute crazy little people who seem to despise you..... at least this is what I hear... Welcome to the real world people!! Let me tell you these are all normal because we live in a fallen world with fallen people who are selfish and self absorbed and yet somehow we have to come together and make this caos work. Only through Christ Jesus who gives us strength!

29 “Many women do noble things, but you surpass them all.”
- Look, we all like to believe this is so and maybe just maybe this is how our husbands view us.... Husbands if you don't you better start believing it because God has blessed you with an amazing woman. She is your treasure. If you treat her as such you will reap the benefits. You reap what you sow. Anyway ladies, we need to remember the importance of amplifying our God, not ourselves. The word "humble" comes to mind. We are all equals in this world, all given many God given talents to use to help one another, not to "outdo" each other. 

30 Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised. 
- I think that this verse is one of my favourites. One thing we have to realise is that the world we live in is setup to make us all fail. It's setup to cause women of all ages to have a self image problem. Beauty is fleeting. We are all going to get old throughout the days of our lives and if we continue to put our focus on our outward beauty we are going to become very distraught as time goes by. That is why it's important for us to clearly understand that our identity is in Christ, not in the latest fashion, what size clothing you wear, whether your hair is kept a certain way, whether you caking on a gag load of makeup or whether you keeping up with the latest fashion. As Christians, we should know better than to be so caught up in all these earthly things. Now, I'm not saying be a dag because the bible does talk about keeping yourself neat and tidy but there is WAY too much emphasis in the church these days on keeping up with latest trends. I see it all the time. I think it's time we start to put things in perspective a little more, truly accept our shortcomings, look to God for wise counsel on these matters especially what is acceptable to wear in public. You see it's our job as Christians to set the example not only for our younger brothers and sisters in Christ but also for the nonbelievers. What kind of message are you sending out to the world? Are you saying, I'm secure in who I am and that I don't need to be acknowledged based on my looks and what I wear because I know my worth in Christ OR are you saying I'm just as insecure as you nonbelievers, I fill the emptiness with your cheap compliments that hold me over only for a minute? Are you glorifying your God or are you glorifying your insecurities which we know only come from the enemy and are worldly things. Something to think about right?

31 Honor her for all that her hands have done, and let her works bring her praise at the city gate."
- I spoke on this in number 29 in regards to a husbands acknowledgement for all her hard efforts. I think it's also important as women to remember to not "go fishing" for compliments either. That comes from an insecurity issue as well and trying to get that ego boost or for someone to see your hard efforts. It's important to remember that we are doing the duty God set out for us and that we are to glorify God through our works and be happy that we did it for him, not for anyone else. If your husband notices well, bonus but don't let it be the focal point. 

Phew! That was a lot to run down on. I think ultimately we have to realise that the Proverbs 31 woman if she lived today would be a "superwoman" beyond recognition and that it doesn't really give a realistic view on people as a whole. The other thing to remember is that this specific scripture was more so intended for the view of what Christ is to the Church. So if we are to all play our God given, individual talents, each having a part in the total body of Christ then it would look something like the above scripture. We would all be working together to glorify our God as a team, bringing more people to Christ. Either way, remember you are GREAT! You are beautifully and wonderfully made! We all have areas of growth that God will work on with us over time. This life is a journey, not a final destination. Our final destination is back in the arms of our loving daddy in heaven where the worries of this world will just slip away! 

God Bless You!

A work in Progress!

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Modern Slavery - Human Trafficking

Beautiful Slave by Take No Glory

God has laid "modern day slavery" on my heart to make people more aware of what is happening worldwide as we speak. More specifically God has put the small innocent lives on my heart, the children whom are caught up in human trafficking. All though they are not the only ones being mistreated this is the area of conviction he has laid on my heart. Many men, women and children are being tricked into these awful situations and/or stolen straight off the street. This is not just a third world issue. Statistics show that human trafficking for sex and/or labor is happening right in your backyard. 

"Human trafficking affects every country around the world, regardless of socio-economic status, history, or political structure. Human traffickers have created an international market for the trade in human beings based on high profits and demand for commercial sex and cheap labor. Trafficking affects 161 countries worldwide.

An estimated 27 million men, women and children are trafficked for commercial sex or forced labor around the world today. Victims are trafficked both within and across international borders. Migrants as well as internally displaced persons are particularly vulnerable. 

There is a growing recognition of the links between labor trafficking, regulation of supply chains, and the power of the consumer to end widespread exploitation by choosing goods that aren't tainted by forced or child labor. The US Department of Labor has identified 122 goods produced with forced labor, child labor, or both, in 58 countries."

"Children, women and men are being brought here (worldwide) and forced to work as slave labour in the sex industry, domestic servitude, street crime and in the production of drugs. They are mentally and physically abused, deprived of their basic human rights and allowed little or no contact with the outside world." 

"Much of the chocolate that finds its way into our shops and homes is made with cocoa from plantations that use trafficked children.-

"Human trafficking is one of the fastest-growing and most lucrative crimes in the U.S. and in the world because, unlike ammunition or drugs, human beings can be exploited and sold repeatedly for profit. In the U.S., hundreds of thousands are victims of labor and commercial sexual abuse, including an estimated 250,000 children ages 10-17. According to the U.S. Department of State, 21 million people—mostly women and children—are trapped in modern-day slavery worldwide.

The United Nations reports that 80 percent of victims are exploited as commercial sex slaves, and many others are forced to perform labor in homes and sweatshops. Criminals earn an estimated $32 billion yearly." -

These statistics are absolutely mind blowing and this doesn't cover all the ones gone unnoted or unfound. The fact of the matter is, that "Human Trafficking" is a serious issue that is only getting worse. God NEVER intended for his children to be treated and abused in such a way. This is the work of satan!! We are all precious children of God and he calls us to help those in need. We cannot turn a blind eye to this situation and just assume it's going to go away or that someone else has a handle on it. WAKE UP! This is a global crisis affecting people throughout the whole world. Think about it, it could be your mother, father, brother, sister, son, daughter, your cousin, your friend or even someone in your community next! 

As recent as today I came across an amazing woman who was caught up in the "Sex Trafficking" trade many years ago. Nancy is an amazing survivor with a huge testimony to share. This woman is not afraid to share her heart wrenching story. She is one of God's miracles to us and everyone she comes in contact with. Nancy has a Facebook page called: Human Trafficking and Sexual Violence Awareness. Please visit this page and show your support not only to Nancy but to all the people she represents. Nancy also has a website called "Nancy Curra" Please click these links and show your support  against human trafficking. 


The more aware we all become, the more equipped we will be to help in some way. God wants us to help his children. He wants us to reach out our hand and be like Christ to those in need. Whether it's spreading the word, donating money to the many organisations that are available, running a fundraiser or simply speaking to your local church/government and trying to set up an "Anti Human Trafficking Community Group". Do whatever you can to make a difference. Remember, it only takes one person to get the ball rolling. Let that person be you!

May God open your eyes to what is going on around you! Recently a documentary was released called "Trade Of Innocents" which covers this exact topic. Please see the trailer below.

God Bless You All!

A Saint wanting Slavery to end!

What would you do with a do over?

My husband and I are going through and have gone through a lot of trials in our marriage and we had both gone through struggles before marriage. Like most of you, this life hasn't been a walk in the park. Most of you realise that life's struggles catch up with you at some point or another. If your life is pretty amazing at the moment, truly thank God for his blessings upon you. Pray for wisdom and strength to help you endure the future struggles that will at some stage come your way. If you are currently in the valley of the shadow of death where things seem so hopeless, thank God for the stretching of your faith and stay hopeful knowing that it can't last forever!

There are times my husband and I talk about the life we are looking forward to in heaven and being hopeful that we will still be really close friends up there. You see, life here has been such a strain on both of us and we are just looking forward to the eternal life of joy. We joke around about when God creates the new world that we'd get a proper do over on our marriage free from the reminders of the tainted, hurtful past we are having to overcome and just being like innocent, sinless children who have nothing but love for one another is what we would desire. 

As we all know, God gives us many opportunities in this life to put things the way they are meant to be. Only problem is I can never forget the devastations of this life until I leave it so that is why I speak of a literal do over. You see, my heart will always choose my husband, in this life and in the next. My only problem is that in this life I cannot seem to let go of the wrongs done to me. Now, I understand forgiveness and I have to practise it daily but no matter what, some things just cannot be undone. Life is not how I saw it going for my husband and I but I guess it's important to remember that this life is not my own.

So anyway, this hypothetical scenario is the acknowledgement of my little girl dreams. It is where I get to hold my hope because hope for this life I currently live in  has been lost. Maybe and prayerfully it's only temporarily but either way it isn't what it once was and God only has the answer to my problems now and until forever. I know in my heart of hearts that God wants me to carry joy wherever I go but I'm afraid that light that use to burn so bright inside of me is now a little flame. Not completely blown out but it's on it's way out but it's in Gods safe hands. The next move belongs to him...

Wouldn't life be nice if we could have a literal do over in this lifetime? I know I'd be the first to jump at it but instead I just have to do the best with what I've got. I know that my life and marriage is in God's hands and that he will turn all our hurts and pains into something beautiful because God will not let us go through these struggles without having something more beautiful to look forward to on the other side. Problem is having the patience to wait for God's perfect timing. It truly shouldn't be that difficult since it's in perfect timing but yet our weak fleshly ways keep us crying out for the changes to come much sooner. I know we as a couple struggle with this. 

So I guess what I'm getting at is that I understand how life can be a struggle beyond a measure you thought you'd never be able to deal with. You are not alone. I am there right alongside you but more importantly, God is there with you. Walking you through the hardest and biggest obstacles you may be facing right now. Don't give up, even though you feel like there is no other way, there is a way..... It's God's way! Look to the heavens, give thanks for the things he has provided and have hope for the things yet to come.

God Bless!

When life gives you lemons, make lemonade!

Blessings come from our sufferings...

As I was listening to the song "Blessings" by Evin Amiri, Ft Onitsha the lyrics ran deep inside of me and resonated in my heart. Tears began to well up in my eyes and the tears began to roll down my face. See lyrics below:

"We pray for blessing, we pray for peace
Comfort for family, protection while we sleep.
We pray for healing, prosperity.
We pray for your mighty hand to ease our suffering.

All the while, you hear each spoken need, your love is way too much to give us lesser things.

Cos what if your blessings come through raindrops,
What if your healing comes through tears?
What if a thousand sleepless nights is what it takes to know you're near.
What if trials of this life are you mercies in disguise.

We pray for wisdom, your voice to hear
We cry in anger when we cannot feel you near.
We doubt your goodness, we doubt your love.
As if every promise from your word is not enough.

And though, the while you hear each desparate plea,
And long that we have faith to believe.

Cos what if your blessings come through rain drops,
What if your healing comes through tears?
What if a thousand sleepless nights is what it takes to know you're near.
What if trials of this life are you mercies in disguise.

When friends betray us, when darkness seems to win, 
We know, the pain reminds us, this is not, this is not our home.
This is not our home.......

what if your blessings come through rain drops,
What if your healing comes through tears?
What if a thousand sleepless nights is what it takes to know you're near.

What if my greatest disappointments, or the aching of this life,
Is the revealing of a great thirst this world can't satisfy?

What if trials of this life, the rain, the storms, the hardest nights; are your mercies in disguise?

Thank you for your blessings!"

The message in this song is so heart wrenching. When we realise that this life is only temporary and that the pain and disappointments we endure whilst here are only for a short time, we will begin to look beyond our struggles and search for God. It's difficult to see my struggles as blessings but what if I truly can get a revelation of this? What if it's true that blessings come through raindrops and healing comes through tears... If that's the case then I'm on the road to recovery. Either way, it's a poetic twist on what tears usually mean. We know as Christians that God bottles up every tear we have ever shed and that Jesus cries with us but sometimes it's easy to lose sight of that when we can't sense his presence  I know personally that I struggle with this at times. He can seem so distant but in reality, he never leaves our side. It's important to remember that this place is not our real "home", it's very temporary when you begin to have an eternal perspective. To us mere humans we think living 80+ years is a long time because we view it from our circumstances but to God who is timeless, 80+ years is a blink of an eye. I know its hard to fathom such a thing but that's why we have grace for each and every moment. 

I'm going to work on having this sort of perspective as if my tears are leading me closer and closer to healing and that the sufferings I go through are building a stronger, more reliable faith within me because if I choose to see it any other way it could be a rough ride for the remainder of my years. I have to look forward to my life in heaven, reunited with the Heavenly Daddy. I have to look forward to the new earth he will eventually create and just pray that in that next life I will have the perfect, sinless life where people say what they mean and do what they say. Until then, I will worship God through the good and the bad and just pray for peace in this lifetime. 

May God Bless you all in abundance and I pray for each and every one of you that you keep hope alive because without it, it's a very lonely world. Keep your eyes set on Christ and remember, this life is just for a short time. Our true promises we have to look forward too.

Blessings From Above!