Thursday, May 9, 2013

Tormented By The Past - 3rd and Final

Hi brothers and sisters, if you haven't read "Part 1" and "Part 2" please do so, so that you can keep up to date with God's amazing healing abilities. May God bless you all!

As you may have noticed I've written that this blog on the series "Tormented By the Past" is going to be my last on this topic. There has been a huge transition from where I was to where I am now. As I'm writing you, I'm trying to think what things truly helped with my letting go of past hurts and disappointments and I know this is going to sound a bit cliche but truly it was God's amazing blessings partnered with determination. 

Honestly, when you are so broken that the only thing that is going to get you out of a really bad situation is relying on our Heavenly Father, he truly steps in and does the rest for you. When I truly opened my heart and gave him the key, he was able to step in and work his miracles. There has been a complete shift in my way of thinking from feeling like a victim to knowing that I'm a survivor. One of the biggest pieces of advice I could give you is to focus less on your problems at hand and seek out God in everything you do. What I mean by that is, when we spend so much time focusing on our problems we allow them to become a much bigger problem. You are breathing life into the ugly and that is exactly what satan wants us to do. When you redirect your focus on God you are strengthening that relationship which decreases the strength of your current situation. 

Philippians 4:8:"Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things."

This was not an easy journey for my husband and I but I have learnt so much from our season of suffering in the valley. I'm not saying that bad days won't come from now on because that would be a lie but I know with all of my heart and soul we are on the other side of this thing. I know who I am and that my identity is in Christ and never again will anyone steal that from me. 

What I can say is that through our trials, especially the extremely severe broken foundational trials is that unless you go through it, you will never understand just how painful it truly is. Also, when you've been through such devastation you will be amazed at the true connection you have with your Heavenly Father, Jesus and the Holy Spirit. Before this season of suffering, I had never really experienced Gods "REAL" love. I was working to please him which is truly a waste of time because we cannot make him love us anymore or any less than he already does. I had never really experienced that deep connection with the Holy Spirit until now. I can honestly hear his pure and soft voice that dwells within me. He's such an amazing counsellor and I expect that over time that voice will be heard more frequent and a lot more clearer. 

As I was spending time in prayer a few days ago I invited the Holy Spirit into my conversation and I couldn't believe what I was hearing!! At first I was sceptical but he truly expressed things that no one else knew, he quoted biblical verses that not even I had read before and he even explained the importance of testing the spirits. It was so fascinating. He explained things in our healing journey, he gave clear instructions and told me when this season was going to come to an end. The fact is that, the Holy Spirit who dwells in you is real. He wants a relationship with you. He wants to speak to you on behalf of God. He is so loving and so trustworthy. For some people, experiencing the true depth of the Holy Spirit seems so distant and impossible but I'm here to tell you that he is real and he is just waiting for you to seek him out. It may not happen straight away but stay persistent. Faith will always be the driving force. When you have an abundance of faith in Christ, Jesus you will be amazed at the miracles you start to see big and small. 

All though I have been through many trials in my life already, I realise that God has had a plan and purpose for all of our shortcomings all along. He truly is turning it all around for our good. I still have some smaller hurdles to overcome but all things through Christ are possible. The fear that was driving me beforehand is no longer a strong presence in my life. I no longer feel like the woman trapped in a bubble or in fear of running into people to the same degree I was before. I have a sense of purpose and direction and I've become a woman after God's own heart. May God bless you all and do the same for you. Life is one big journey that God takes us on, removing the fruitless things in our lives and replacing them with blessings. Sometimes, in fact most of the time that isn't a painless process but stay focused because there is a purpose for your suffering.

God loves you!

Tormented No Longer!

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