To the women who played their role in committing adultery with my husband...........
I FORGIVE YOU! I have already forgiven my husband but now it's your turn. I also accept your apologies whether you are sorry or not because Jesus' blood covers ALL sins, yours included. You see the reason I can forgive you all is because Jesus first forgave me for my sins and took them on the cross. Forgiveness freed me from being tide down to you spiritually and emotionally. I will no longer allow you to have power over my life. You have no right to live rent free in my mind, emotionally abusing me with the visions of you with my dearly beloved husband. No longer will I allow the devil to use your sins to harm me and keep me trapped in bondages of insecurities and depression. You may have had a glimpse of my life by trying to make it your own but I now know you never took anything from me because all you got was the superficial front which had no depth to it and with every embrace with my husband you were hurting yourself, your family and your walk with Jesus. I at least know from my husbands point of view there was no depth to the time he spent with you. It was superficial and sin lead. I truly feel sorry for you that you felt that getting involved with a married man was the only way for you to feel a sense of love and wholeness that you weren't getting elsewhere, only to find out that it made you even more empty inside riddled with guilt and shame.
I want to let you know that you are worth so much more than that. You are NOT a bottom feeder trying to eat up the crumbs of my marriage even though your actions said otherwise. You are a beautiful woman of God. You are created in his very image. God knows how many hairs are on your head and how many tears you have cried. He knows the desires of your heart and the hurts you have had to endure. JESUS LOVES YOU and I LOVE YOU TOO!! You are my sister in Christ who was lost, broken and being used by the devil himself. I pray for you ladies regularly for your salvation and that God heals your broken hearts and the damage done in your own relationships because deep down I know that this is not what you wanted for your life. I know that you didn't just wake up one day and say "I'm going to have an affair or commit adultery with a married man". I truly believe you are a kind hearted person who was hurting and looking for comfort and affection in all the wrong places only to have wound up in the arms of my beloved husband who was also broken. I realise what you were searching out in my husband and him in you couldn't fulfil either of you because only Jesus can fulfil those areas of your heart and God only blesses the marriage covenant not relationships outside of his perfect will. Your time with my husband was setup and arranged by the devil himself. As the bible says;
Ephesians 6:12 - "For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places."
This very verse tells me that you aren't the issue for you were lost in sin with scales over your eyes put their by the enemy which you fell for his deceit. My fight is with the devil himself and honestly, I just need to stand firm and claim Jesus finished work on the cross because the devil himself has already been beaten.
I pray that through this turmoil you have learnt more about yourself and who you are to Jesus. You are worth so much more than you give yourself credit for. I know that you may go through life with a painted smile on your face and to those on the outside you seem to have it all together but on the inside you are dying little bit by little bit and drowning in your own tears. I'm so sorry if this is where you are at or if you have experienced this in the past but know that through the adulterous acts you brought that very feeling into my life also.
I can tell you now though that Jesus healed me completely and walked with me side by side through this healing journey. I'M HEALED!! Praise God. I wouldn't trade the closeness with my Heavenly Daddy I've experienced through this whole ordeal so thank you. It only drove me closer to Jesus, not further away. I can hold my head high knowing that I wasn't the unfaithful one in this marriage but we all have been unfaithful to Jesus and I've had to repent in this area also. I have found my true identity through this devastation and found my worth in Jesus. No longer do I feel less prettier than you because of yours and my husbands actions. You see for a while there what you and my husband did, it broke me and the enemy spoke ugly words in my head day in, day out telling me I wasn't pretty enough or worth being faithful too. These were LIES!! I must admit for a while I started to believe it but NOT ANYMORE! I'm free!! I pray you are never on the receiving end of a spouse cheating on you because once it happens only Jesus can breathe life back into a marriage torn apart by the devastations that come with sexual sin but know that it is possible not only to be alive but to thrive as well. I sure am!
My heart is whole, I'm full of joy that cannot be taken away by life's ups and downs or the actions of others. I'M FREE and I pray you are too.
Jesus died for you too. Not just the faithful spouse but for the adulterous one also. Jesus died for all sins so that we can be made right with our Heavenly Father so that we have everlasting life in Heaven.
Have you accepted Jesus into your heart? Do you know what Jesus did for you on the cross?
I no longer fear you and honestly, I just feel empathy for you now. When I think of you, I wonder whether you have accepted Jesus into your life and if you are walking out that faith in your life to the point where the sins of the past are no longer reoccurring in your life. I hope that the pain I had to endure from yours and my husbands sinful ways at least led you to search out God in your brokenness as it did for us. Know that you are precious to God.

THANK YOU that through this whole experience it has only driven my husband and I closer to one another and we no longer take our marriage covenant for granted. God used this experience to free my husband from sinful bondages that had him tied down to the pit of hell. He is free and is a faithful man to Jesus and to me now. I wouldn't trade that for anything. The old marriage is dead and buried but the new marriage covenant is spotless and beautiful in Jesus. I pray you have this now too.
I'm looking forward to our visit down South soon because I'm free and can face where it all took place. It's time for us to close the book of the past and start a fresh, I hope you have successfully done the same. It's amazing!!! Life is beautiful and so are we.
Healed, Whole and Loved for eternity!!
Signing Off,
Faithful Servant of God!
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