Today I'd like to share with you all a bit about the miracle my husband and I have been waiting for, for almost 7 years now.
As you may remember my very first post was called "Double the Trouble and Double the Fun!" (feel free to click the link to refresh your memory if needed). Well, over these past 2.5 years of healing from adultery God has shown me that we will be blessed with twin baby boys that will biologically be ours. In fact he gave me this very image the same night my husband confessed his sins and I left our home for a time because I thought our marriage could not survive such a devastation. As I would cry myself to sleep in my exhaustion I had this vision of my husband lying on the grass at a park, our twin boys were about 2 to 3 years old and they were jumping on top of him wrestling. They were all giggling and having such a good time. Our dog Missy was running around them in circles and it was as if I was standing back watching from a distance and joy filled my heart and then I'd wake up. As I woke up, I'd realise I wasn't at my house and that the adultery wasn't a nightmare and I would yell at God asking him why he would show me this vision when I had left him and by worldly, scientific standards my husband was diagnosed as "infertile". Each and every night I would have this very same dream/vision time and time again until the last night I had a dream/vision of my husband and I being Christian marriage counsellors for other couples who were facing the same devastation and loss as we are and we were together. After I woke up from this vision I felt a deep presence of The Holy Spirit and I felt drawn to my husband like The Holy Spirit was dragging me home so I went home and we've been healing ever since...
Anyway, so within 6 months of our healing journey I felt that The Holy Spirit whispered in my heart that our babies would be conceived in July/August but I didn't know which year. Obviously I thought oh yeah, it'll be next year and I will be healed by then!! Oh I was naive... September 15th 2015 it will be 3 years since my husbands confession and still to date (26th of June 2015) I'm not pregnant but I believe in my heart that I will be very soon. You see along the way I've had amazing men and women of God who have shared visions with me over this very topic. As of most recent a sister in Christ had a vision of me in hospital holding my twins in my arms. About a month later a brother in Christ had a vision of me walking down the road in the community we live in and my stomach was HUGE and the children we look after were by my side. I've also sensed that before Jesus blesses us with our babies that we would need to return home to where it all begun for the final closure and God has made a way for us to return when financially it seemed impossible. There have been many more other signs along the way but I'd have to share even more detail about my life for it to make sense. We even began the IVF process the year before my husband confessed but deep within our spirit we felt God said NO very firmly so we didn't continue.
I know that I know, that I know, that I will be pregnant VERY soon! I full heartedly believe our twin baby blessing is coming soon and that it all lines up with God knowing what sins were being hidden in darkness and he was holding our baby blessing back until we had healed from adultery and until restoration has taken place. I'm so very excited that very soon that God will be lending us two of his precious children to raise them up in the way of The Lord. I Praise God for his many blessings we are about to receive and that he saved us not only from divorce but also the both of us from the pit of hell. Honestly, if God never did anything more for us we still have been blessed in abundance with an eternal life in Heaven!! Thank you Jesus!!
Keep an eye out on this space because I will post to let you know our pregnancy news shortly!! Believe it or not, it's coming!
Signing Off,
Blessed Child of God!!
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