Today is a day that marks the change of marriage in the eyes of the world BUT to God marriage is still between one man and one woman. I stand for the biblical view of marriage.
We are called to love people as Jesus loves them but that doesn't mean we have to agree with their lifestyle choices. Jesus loves you and he came to save us ALL from sin. Homosexuality is no greater sin than adultery, fornication, lying, stealing etc. You too can be forgiven and freed from those bondage's.
I also wanted to share the true meaning of the rainbow with you today!
It is a time where persecution of Christians is going to only increase as time persists. The closer we get to Jesus return the heavier that persecution will become. In some places of the world Christian brothers and sisters are being killed for their faith. If you are a true bible believing Christian, you know that these signs are in the word of God. Stand firm and do not waiver from Gods ways because it's truly the only way to heaven. Jesus loves you and I love you.
Matthew 5:10 "Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven."
Sadly, by the passing of homosexual marriage it has opened the flood gates to other sins. There is now talk of pedophiles fighting for the right to marry children as it's apart of their sexual orientation.... Sin is sin people, none of us are void from it except Jesus but we all need to see it for what it truly is instead of allowing the world to put a diagnosis to it and claiming that it's just who they are. When we accept Jesus into our lives with sincerity the old me dies and the new rises up in Christ free from sin and condemnation, being purified daily through the power of The Holy Spirit.
Be blessed family in these end times and stand firm in Christ Jesus. He is well worth being a soldier in his army for and with.

Signing Off,
A Woman Taking A Stand.
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