Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Happy New Year 2015


I've decided that this post is going to be about my hopes and dreams for 2015. I've done my reflections, I've made peace with my wrongdoings in 2014 with God, I've forgiven those that hurt me and all though there is some residual stuff being dealt with at the moment that will slip into the new year I'm not going to allow it to dictate my year through the grace of God. 

My hopes and dreams for 2015 are; To have a deeper revelation of the love Jesus has for me. A deeper revelation of my heavenly home and how short and fleeting this life is and that things that happen here are just ultimately there to make me more like Christ. To trust my Lord and Saviour no matter what things he allows to enter in my life and whatever outcomes come from the residual stuff I mentioned above. To communicate better with my husband by being more patient, selfless and loving in my responses. To settle in my new work role and to be able to glorify God and lead children to him. To continue to love those who I once considered enemies. To never bring up the past because it has truly been covered by the blood of Jesus and we have been made as white as snow. If the past comes to mind to just hand it back over to Jesus at the cross and thank him for removing those things from my life. I believe there is going to be a refreshment of my spirit and of my earthly body so that I can endure whatever comes my way in 2015. I believe it's going to be a year of fruitfulness in all areas of my life. I hope for much travel in 2015 because it's something my husband and I love to do. I believe our marriage is going to shine brightly because of what Jesus did, not because anything we did. I sense that 2015 is going to bring our miracle twin baby boys. I'm so excited that this feels like the year of our double blessings that can only come from The Lord. I sense that many doors from the past will be closed once and for all which is going to free us from the weight it has put upon us. I've offered these burdens up to The Lord and I'm so very thankful that they are in his protective, loving hands. I believe many other doors are going to swing wide open with endless opportunities that not only happen in 2015 but I believe will offer endless opportunities throughout the rest of our lives. I believe in those coming years there will be missional opportunities in orphanages within Africa, Pemba Island and Jamaica. I believe in the future we will adopt many children also. I see a bright future ahead but not with out it's bumps in the road but ultimately we will never walk down the same painful past issues either. I believe once God is satisfied and has walked you through a struggle within your life he will not make you go through it again when you've gone about it the right way with God in the centre. I expect many joyful, peaceful moments with many laughs with my husband, family members and the children. I'm hoping for my family members to come to know The Lord, repent and accept him for all the days of their lives from this point forth. I see this miracle unfold after our baby blessings. I believe those who I've forgiven will also come to know The Lord in a personal relationship and be blessed within the future also. I believe Gods hand of protection, correction and blessing is over myself, my husband and our children. 

I believe 2015 is the year of fulfilment, refreshment and things coming to light. I cannot wait to see what God does this year. Keep close and keep an eye on this blog section because God is always willing and ready when we have faith to believe in the earthly impossibles.

God Bless you all,

A Fruitful Year Ahead.

Reflecting on 2014

Hi bloggersphere, 

So, today I've spent my day in prayer talking to Jesus about this years various events and in reflection of the season he has been taking myself through individually and also within my marriage. By doing so I've come to see the areas where I truly needed Jesus. I realised some of the errors of my ways which lead to true repentance and forgiveness. I hurt people that hurt me. I tried so hard to not and do the right thing but instead I allowed anger and bitterness to fester and I allowed the devil to use me in his schemes. I shake my head in shame but at the same time I truly know I am free from those wrongs as Jesus washed them all away, past, present and future sins have all been wiped away. I'm spotless because of Jesus paying the ultimate price. Beyond taking the time to acknowledge my own wrong doings I've also spent time releasing those who have wronged me. I have been in this traumatic season for 2.5 years now and just prior to Christmas, Holy Spirit truly spoke to my heart and told me to reach out to those who had harmed me, forgive them and put out my hand of friendship towards them. This was one of the hardest things I had to do because I also hurt one of the people who hurt me as a reaction to their actions. It was sinful and wrong but I had to own that as well. It's interesting when Jesus calls you to become friends with your enemies because it truly strips away any pride you had. I needed that. Pride is a sneaky thing. It comes in without you even noticing it and takes root. I'm so thankful to Jesus for taking me through this process to up root that evil pride. 

I've also learnt this year that the enemies main plans in this life is to steal, kill and destroy. I'm not saying that I hadn't heard that before but I truly didn't understand the depths of it. Now I do. The enemy is trying to destroy relationships and in many cases he's been successful. I'm so thankful that the scales have been removed from mine and my husbands eyes in this area. We realise that when our communication heads towards a place we never intended it to go that the enemy is working his evil schemes in the midst of it and that it's important for us to stop, breathe and pray it out by acknowledging Jesus and thanking him for the new life he has given us. I admit, it's not always that easy because emotionally we can get caught up in the moment but we do try to stop and realise what is going on and bring restoration through the finished work on the cross.

We also had a wonderful overseas trip to America to see my husbands family which truly came at a much needed time where we both felt so defeated in our marriage from the past struggles. It was amazing to have family members near who could speak life into us individually and together. Their love, prayers and words of wisdom brought life back into our marriage and I will forever be thankful for this. Those 5 weeks abroad were so amazing and transformational. 

This year there has been changes in where we reside. We have been remote living since 2013 and we were situated in Wadeye, Port Keats a remote indigenous community. I was working in a creche and my husband was working at JobFind. Just short of a year we felt that God was closing this specific door in our lives but we were unsure where that meant we would end up in the long run. We prayed fervently into it and my husband quit his job and 3 weeks later I did the same. A school had contacted us in regards to a houseparent position in another community and before we knew we had the job we both had quit our jobs and just took a leap of faith trusting in God to catch us. Boy did he catch us!! It was about a day or two before we had to move house because someone else was going to be occupying the house my old work provided and then we got the phone call we were trusting in God for. We got the job!! WOW, God is so amazing. He's so trustworthy. So off we went on a new adventure trusting in God to provide all the way. We started the job a few weeks later and moved into our new home. Before we knew it we had 12 teenage girls in our care!! 12.... Yes, I said it, 12! I know what you're thinking... Boy you are CRAZY!?! Yes, I thought, Oh Lord, really 12? Are you sure? Well, he was definitely sure but the weeks ahead we weren't prepared for. The enemy was running riot through our house on a spiritual level causing behavioural issues you probably wouldn't imagine. By the second term my cup felt almost empty like I was hanging on by a thread. Through this though, I learnt to trust God in everything we do. He showed me areas where I needed growth and used this situation we found ourselves in to rub off the rough edges within me. It's funny when you think God leads you some where so you can be a witness to people and lead them to Jesus which was happening also but majority of the past two terms were truly for me and my character building. We finished the last term off with an enjoyable time with our many girls. I took the girls on a shopping spree where they were able to pick out modest dresses, shoes, jewellery and even a little makeup. They all got dressed up for the end of year dinner outing at a nice restaurant and I have to say they all just looked absolutely beautiful!! 

There have been many lows and a few highs this year which I sense is the residual stuff left over from the season of breaking us down and building us back up again. 2012 to 2014 has been some hard years but one long season. You see, a season in our life doesn't necessarily mean a standard 3-4 month season like the weather. It's been difficult. It's been heart breaking and heart restoring. It's been confronting, full of fear, uncertainty and just down right scary at times but God has brought us through it all. 

There's one moment that sticks in my mind so vividly from recent times with our girls within our new position. One of my girls was reading a bible story at the table and I went and sat next to her and as I showed up it just so happens she finished what she was reading and began the next book of the bible. The story was about Rebekah and Isaac. Now, if you don't know their story you can visit the link provided. You will see in this link that Rebekah was barren and unable to have Isaac's children. After a long time of many tears and prayers from Rebekah her husband Isaac decided to pray fervently on her behalf because he knew how much having children meant to her and after him praying to God she became pregnant and had twin baby boys. Yes, miracles do happen with God. After my girl read this, I looked at her and said do you remember what God promised me and your uncle? She said Yes, aunty. God promised you and uncle twin baby boys just like Rebekah in the story. I said, that's right he sure did. I told her I believe God wanted this moment to happen and you to read me this story to remind me to hold on to Gods promise. She smiled and it was such a beautiful moment. It didn't end there because I went to bed later on and listened to a random preacher on a sermon called Broken Families. Here I was expecting it to be about marriages which my marriage had been struggling with all the high demands of the job, the stress of the past etc and the sermon ended up being Rebekah's story!! WOW!! God is amazing isn't he. It's amazing how he chooses to talk to us. 

I had many encounters with God this year. Many visions, words spoken over me and my hip was healed by The Holy Spirit. I couldn't walk at all and a man of God and his family all laid hands on me and I felt The Holy Spirit enter in my body, the warmth radiating from my head where this man had his hand and the healing took place. I felt my leg grow and I got up and I was able to run!! I was able to run!! It was soooooooo crazy!! God is so amazing. Thank you Jesus. By his stripes I am HEALED. I could go on and on about the many interactions I had with Jesus but honestly, I've already written a book. Those interactions have kept me going because walking through the things I've had to overcome has been exhausting. I'm so thankful that Jesus never left my side once and was always walking with me, holding me up and providing me with much rest. It has been a year of exhaustion and rest to follow up with after the exhaustion. 

Looking forward to 2015 and the change of season ahead.

God Bless, 

Daughter of the most high.

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Healing Testimony

Hi guys/gals, I know it's been a LONG time since I've written anything. Please forgive me, life got the better of me by keeping me busy busy busy. You know that's the devils tactics right? Keep you busy and keep you off track. LOL Anyway,

6th/7th/8th Of December 2014

My husband and I were walking through the mall doing the never ending Christmas shopping as we all seem to do around this crazy time of year and all of a sudden my sciatic nerve decided to act up which runs from my left hip, down my buttocks and to my thigh with a sharp excruciating pain that ran down to my foot making it almost impossible to step without feeling like I was going to fall to the floor. Well, this has been happening for the last 2.5 years on and off. I waited a few minutes and then it went away and I was thankful to Jesus that it was a short visit. I went back to walking and shopping and about 5 minutes later it returned which had never happened before in such a short amount of time. Only this time it didn't go away. I was hopping along in the store in agony and trying to push through it just to get out the door and get to the car. Well, we got back to the hotel room and I tell you what it was the worst nights sleep I've had in a while. I asked my husband to pray over me and he did and I woke up the next morning still in pain. It was a little less than the night before but only a slight difference. Back in the car in agony for the long 2.5 hour drive home and I couldn't sleep or get comfortable so as soon as I got home it was straight to bed with painkillers to numb the pain. We were meant to go to a Christmas carols gathering just down the road and I just couldn't make it but my husband went. Anyway, a couple hours later my husband returns and tells me that a brother in Christ wants to pray for me and so my husband wanted to make sure I was decent. I felt that inner voice of the Holy Spirit tell me to get up and go to him. I listened to him and followed his instruction and lent on my husband and hopped the whole way there. Once there my amazing brother in Christ, his wife and children laid hands on me and prayed and before long I felt a warmth over my head where he had his hand and eventually I felt the Holy Spirit go through my body! WOW!!! For those of you who haven't experienced this it is kind of like when you get goose bumps from the cold only 100% more stronger and warmer and if you've heard of people that say things like someone stepped on your grave (so wrong biblically) but you know what I mean, well it's like that but it's pleasing, amazing and feels like an instant ooze of love going through you. Well, that happened and then my brother in Christ's wife who we will call "Cee" laid her hands on my right leg and prayed that God would fix my hips because of the tightness one of my legs was longer than the other. I kid you not as she was doing this I opened my eye and I saw my right leg GROW!! It grew from the calf area not from the knee. I know this because I had my legs propped up on a box and before my very eyes it grew!!!! I was even in SHOCK! Within a short time my brother in Christ who I will call "Tee" asked me to stand up and see if it's better. I got up gently and stepped on the left sore leg and then began to bend my leg, move my hip from side to side and BAM I WAS FREE AND HEALED. PRAISE THE LORD! You know what I did next right? Well, I decided to walk up the path and then I ran on it to just make sure I wasn't going crazy and seeing things. HALELLUJAH! I WAS AND AM HEALED! It's soooooooo amazing experiencing something so out of this world it's amazing. Well, I went home late that night powered up for Jesus by the Holy Spirit and I couldn't sleep. I ended up praising and worshipping Jesus and dancing for Jesus for AGES and then I crashed out and went to sleep. AMAZING!

The next day I woke up with a sore right knee.... Ooooh that sneaky wretched devil!! He was trying to discredit Jesus and his healing. I decided I would do my best to praise Jesus through it and declare that I am healed. I ignored the pain for hours and hours. In fact I went out for lunch with a friend and we walked around and came home and by the time I came home the pain was throbbing in my knee... Remember, the original pain was in my left hip and now the pain is in my right knee!?! Crazy. So, I got home and kept praising Jesus through it and after resting it and raising my leg it just wasn't going away. I couldn't cope anymore and so I went and got an ice pack, put it on my knee and took a painkiller and went to bed. Whilst in bed I was listening to healing sermons and declaring that I was healed through the blood of Jesus. Next day the pain was GONE! Once and for all! Wooohooooo!!!!! Jesus showed up and showed that devil he had no place here and freed me from those pains once and for all. Today it's the 14th of December and guess what....?? NO PAIN! Thank you Jesus! You are a mighty and loving God. My healer and provider. Thank you thank you thank you! Please never doubt the power of Jesus finished work on the cross and the Holy Spirit he left us when he went to heaven.

Praise The Lord!!

Signing Off,
Thankful Servent

Monday, November 17, 2014

Healed, At least I thought I was....

November 2014 

My husband and I have been up and down emotionally like a Yo-Yo these past couple of years due to the adultery and infertility devastations. We have days and weeks where things are great and then an image, nightmare or reminder would come into my head like it flew in there and I'd rebuke the devil and claim the victory of healing but the image would manifest into something uglier and I'd fall for the devils nasty tricks over and over. I could see it so clearly when my mind was right but then in the midst of it, it was like I didn't know which way was up or down. Not only were we struggling with the past and my husband struggling with the guilt and shame but we are also missionaries too remember!?! Living to serve God's children... We are houseparents to between 9-12 teenage girls that were going through their very own spiritual battles so we had a lot on our shoulders to say the least.
My husband and I were struggling to keep our heads above water. There was a further break down in communication which we now realise is the devils ultimate plan. Ultimately he is just trying to kill, steal and destroy. Breaking down relationships is his fortay and he has been doing it for a mighty long time. As soon as someone pointed this out to us we were more equipped to realise it and repent, forgive and give glory to God which would make the devil flee. 

Anyway, things got so bad we just couldn't take it anymore and decided that we are surrounded by Christians and it was time to lean not only on Christ and each other but our brothers and sisters in Christ as well. So, we went to a friend of ours house and they prayed for us. These guys are so revved up for Jesus, have the gift of healing and the Holy Spirit gives them images and words to speak into peoples lives. These guys are such a blessing to us. Anyway, we went to their house and our brother in Christ reminded my husband that he is spotless now through the finished work on the cross. He is and we are children of God. Sons and daughters of the most high. My husband had been beaten over the head so much by the devil, by seeing me in pain that he dropped his identity and accepted the devils thoughts as his own and so had I. It was this reminder that put him back into perspective and set him free from that bondage again. AMEN! Our brother "Tee" said to my husband "M" that sin is like a bucket of paint, sometimes it get's spilt or we spill it all over the white walls (life) and through Christ overcoming death and sin on the cross he has cleaned it all up. That really hit home for me. Then as I was praying I got an image of white walls and me kicking the bucket over to make it spill on the walls. As if I was searching hard to see whether there was anymore sin left in my husbands life. Then "Cee" our brother's wife said to me that she had this image of me searching frantically in the corners of this white walled room high and low for the stains and on the walls but there were no stains on my husband because it's been dealt with but the paint was on my clothes,  I was wearing his sins but it wasn't touching my skin because I'm also free from sin through Christ. "Cee's" interpretation was that I'm looking every where in my husbands life to see if theirs still areas of sin that he's carrying around of hiding from me because I don't trust him but that he is free and is no longer that man that once hurt me deeply. He has been made new and righteous and he is a faithful, honourable man of God and that I don't need to look or search anymore but that I have to take off those old clothes, meaning I had to take off that old condemnation, sin nature, burden, hurt and put on my white clean robe that Jesus gave to me freely on the cross. When she told me this I knew this was right and I started bawling like a baby. It hit home because I had been so sin conscious that I would search high and low to see if my husband was just "pretending" to be healed but I never found anything. In the past 2.5 years I have not been able to find a single thing out of place in my husbands life. Not one thing. Whereas before, I didn't need to search very far to find the ugliness. It's amazing and yet scary all at once. I told "Cee" the vision I had and I was so amazed and what God had just showed us. From that point on for about 3 or 4 weeks I was completely and utterly free from the devils sneaky ways and I felt 100% healed once and for all. 

It was the most amazing experience. I went home and repented for the hatred that was festering inside of me towards the other women, I made a visual declaration to Jesus and took off the spotted clothes and through them in a visual fire and accepted my white robe from Jesus. I basked in the beauty of freedom. I praised and worshipped Jesus in the morning when I woke up I'd praise him, thank him and declare that I was healed and free and spotless at night I'd do the same. It was soooo beautiful. 

3 or 4 weeks later..... 

There were random thoughts going through my head which at first I knew weren't mine so it was quite easy to recognise it was the enemy and I just declared I was healed and praised Jesus but then there were some other thoughts of us running into the other women at a shopping centre and I first thought hey, that would be a good opportunity to show forgiveness and grace but then it morphed into myself being full of anxiety and fear... There it was!! The devil had me again... I was truly a mess, deep in the pain and destruction of it all, all over again. It was a very wrestles night and I woke up the next day drained, tired and a sense of hopelessness fell upon me. You see after this much time you start to question whether you will ever be free. It truly brings you down but I'm aware that it's the enemies schemes to try to keep me away from my breakthrough.

 A few days later.......

I woke up and Jesus freed me from the devil and he fleed. Jesus restored my hope and my fight to continue. AMEN!

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Happy Easter

Just a quick message to say Happy Easter and acknowledge Jesus on this special day. Based on evidence provided, Jesus died on the cross on the Friday and rose again Sunday. It's because of Jesus that I am free from my sins and free from a tainted life that would have lead to my death and an eternal life in hell. It is such an overwhelming feeling to know that God loves me that much that he would send his very own son to take my sin on himself to the cross and to experience the hell that was meant for me but God would never give up on his own son in the long term. God raised Jesus from the dead through the Holy Spirit. How amazing is that!?!

I hope you all have a fabulous long weekend celebrating the freedom we were given without even earning it.

God bless you all

Signing off,

Thankful Christian

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Work and Life balance

Hi everyone, firstly I need to apologise for not posting any blogs since January of this year. *shakes head at self. I have seriously let this thing slide and I do regret it but with life being as busy as it is and my poor prioritising skills this is what happens so please for give me.

On the topic of work, late last year my husband and I moved to a remote community within Australia to help others and also re find ourselves after such a horrific year previously. We have had many highs and lows a long the way but ultimately we love living remote. The one thing we are struggling with most is not having a church home to go to as the only church here is a Catholic Church and most of you are aware we are more Pentecostal. Anyway, not having that family to lean on has been a challenge especially during the growing pains period in our marriage with the season of healing and God restoring what the locusts had eaten. Beyond that I'm struggling within my position due to my boss who I won't blast on the internet but ultimately we are not here for the same reasons and our personalities truly clash beyond words. Me personally my main reasons for being here is; healing, following the direction god had given me and to truly help the less fortunate and through Christ prayerfully help others in the process. For her however, I believe her reasoning is something a long the lines of walking up the corporate ladder and making herself look and feel good in the process.... Ultimately I believe this is what causes a lot of our problems because I don't care about what others higher than me think as a whole, I mainly care about the families, children and community. My aim is to help them and to be like Christ to them because I maybe the only glimpse they see. Of course it's nice to get recognition for the effort you've put in but at the end of the day I work for God beyond all these smaller bosses. He is the one I aim to please in a sense. I can fall into the traps of trying to please management but that is not who I am and never have been that kind of person. Sadly, I believe that is the kind of company I work for as well. Too many chiefs and not enough Indians is a good saying that comes to mind.

I do have to recognise the areas within myself that I can work on because I cannot change how others act and feel so I truly do need Gods help with helping me to identify the areas I need change and grow in. I believe that some people are put in our lives to bend us, frustrate us, anger us, love us, agree with us and hurt us to test us and shape us into the people we are meant to be.

I'm sadly at the point though with this position that I'm almost ready to walk away. I have realised also that child care is not for me no matter in what context. I love the children and I love the families I just think that at this point in my life I would be better suited to making program's for others to implement. I truly feel that a community service provider position would be better suited whether it is helping young mums or helping create program's for underprivileged children to help them excel in life. Either way, child care is not the answer. I also want to find a job that I can openly talk about Jesus with the children and share the gospel with them in a kid friendly kind of way. The thing that gets me is that I'm currently living in a community that was built on an old catholic mission and Catholicism is still very evident today. A lot of the people are still very lost, don't know their identity is in Christ but are definitely holding on to the idea of a saviour and yet I'm not allowed to talk about Jesus to the children within the centre even though the local people here want it to be included, it baffles me.

I want to stay in this community as does my husband but I truly need God in this situation because this is not how I feel it is meant to be. I need his hand over this situation but more so I require his hand of healing and protection over this entire community. I have a deep passion to see these people freed from the torments of sin and walking in faith knowing that Jesus died on the cross so they can and will be free if they just surrender and follow Christ all the days of their life. I want the opportunity to share the good news with them. I have built some really close relationships with some local families and I just want to continue being the light for Jesus in their lives. I'd love for God to sweep in and remove me from this position but put me in one that I can truly be the hands that Jesus uses to heal and help these beautiful people.

Anyway, my issue here is that I obviously bring my work struggles home and unload on my husband who is also having issues of his own at work and because our housing is tied into my job and housing is hard to come by out here I feel quite pressured to stay in this job. We also have two dogs which adds to the struggles of getting other housing. At this point I don't see another job available that I truly desire so I'm just praying God steps in and does what is best for his plan which ultimately will be good for me too.

Please pray for us as we continue to fight the good fight on the front line against the enemy. We know that the closer we get to gods plan the harder and heavier the enemy will attack however, the fight has already been won on the cross by Jesus. Sometimes I can lose sight of that and need a friendly reminder.

For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places.

Signing off,

Freedom fighter!

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Happy New Years

Hi blogger sphere, Happy delayed New Years! Where shall I start? Well, CHRISTmas was a fantastic time shared with friends and family eating and being Merry. Whilst we shared this special time of year with believers and non believers my husband and I spent the day being thankful for our Lord and Saviour. It was great! God is so good. 

Fast forward to New Years Eve and I have to say that it was a spiritual struggle during the day and the pain of past sins was ever so clear so I spent most of the morning praying, crying, sleeping and repeat. I then spoke to a beautiful Godly friend who prayed for me and talked me through my struggles and helped me to decide to go out to the parties I was invited too. I dragged myself off the couch and got ready to go out and I must say once I was out with my husband all the worries just seemed to wash away the more I focused on the cross and being around other people the freer I became. Thank you Jesus!!! My husband and I brought in the new year surrounded by wonderful people and there was even a God appointed moment where some other ladies shared the struggles of sin and the impact it has had on their relationships. I can say that God gave me an opening to discuss in great detail my testimony and the struggles but also share my Saviour who has walked along side me through it all.

I can say that through the many images or bible scriptures I've read that 2014 is our year of reaping from what we've sown through sweat, blood and tears. Let's just saying I'm excited and anticipating the many blessings coming our way. I will be honest though, there are times where I wonder when or if it will all come to pass but then I remind myself or the Holy Spirit does and I remember to just trust in The Lord because he will make all our paths straight and he is turning this all around for my good. 

There has been a lot going on these past couple months with being ridiculed for being an outspoken believer at work, to the point where I handed in my resignation because work is work but God is life or death to me and we stand firm in our faith. As you know this job is quite new as well so that would have been a bit sad but this is the world we live in now. Non believers talk about tolerance all day long but yet when a Christian is an outspoken believer they become intolerant. Interesting isn't it? Anyway, then the enemy was trying to cause more issues at work which he was successful at for a bit but God swooped through and saved me from all of that ridiculousness. All I can say that, we are coming up against a lot of adversities which tells us that we are in the right place because firstly God sent us to this remote location and secondly the enemy is pissed that God now has willing tools he can use to help save the masses through us. There has been laughter and tears at the enemies attacks but either way we are not leaving this place until God says so. As for the job, if this one isn't the one that is absolutely fine by us because there are many more jobs here. Since it's through Gods will we can continue to see many miracles happen here. 

Local ladies have been coming to me and opening up to me about the sins that are within their marriage and the devastating pains they are having to endure. It's amazing that God is sending these people my way so that I can direct them to Jesus! I love it! Also, we've been able to bless a family we met in Indonesia  through the financial blessings God has given us. We've also helped provide some of the local families here with food and necessities. God is wonderful and I'm so thankful that he's blessing us so we can bless others. 

I'm enjoying these 3 weeks holidays and in all honesty I'm not looking forward to going back. I love just hanging out with the locals, chatting and being a blessing to them. I don't feel like working in a child care centre is actually my calling so I'm waiting very impatiently.... Forgive me father, for his redirection. 

Anyway, I will do my best this year to keep this up to date as much as possible.

May God bless you throughout this coming year! 

Signing off, 

Hopeful Missionary!