Friday, April 19, 2013

God First

The importance of putting God first: In todays society with the busyness of life we sometimes can forget God's order for our lives. When we allow our spouse, children, job or others fill our God spot over time things start to breakdown. How do I know this? Well, I've been there. You see when I was new to my faith, without even knowing it I had my spouse in my God spot. Like myself, I've heard many others neglecting God by filling that space with their children or their jobs and I'm not saying that these things aren't important but when you have the right order in your house the rest will and does fall into place. 

By me having my spouse in my God spot, I was putting so much extra pressure on him to perform or be that of perfection. I wasn't truly aware of it at the time and Satan is very tricky at how he maneuvers because as we all know, he knows our weaknesses. He also knows what we are destined for so if he can keep you preoccupied, caught up in your own little bubble, you are truly making him happy. Now I can tell you from experience that because I was idolising my husband, my time with God was slipping. I wasn't praying daily, I wasn't reading my bible and I wasn't going to church. Do you see the domino effect that happens when we put anything and/or anyone in our God spot? Not only do things start to fall apart but the major construction that goes back into repairing what we broke is a painful transition. I can tell you, had I known of the pain that I was going to experience by not putting God first was going to be so deep and destructive, I would have made a conscious effort to begin with. 

Now what I'm about to say, I say with all sincerity. God is a jealous God. He is not happy when we are filling his place with other things. This is not to be taken lightly. When doing so we are actually in sin. The bible says:

Exodus 34:14: for you shall worship no other god, for the LORD, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God.

Exodus 34:17: “Do not make any idols."

When it's written "no other god" this also means idolatry etc.

Matthew 6:33: "But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well."

You see when we have our life set out in God's order, he will recognise our efforts and bless us for it. Although that shouldn't be the focal point of why we stick to God's design for our lives but boy will it keep us out of some strife. Let's not make life harder for ourselves than it already is. 

God Bless,

God's my #1 and I'm his #1 fan!

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