Wednesday, July 15, 2015

When To Walk Away

The question on my heart today is not related to my marriage but is about toxic relationships/friendships and when is it okay to walk away as Christians.......

I have always assumed as a Christian that we are to continue to turn the other cheek even if a non-believing person continues to bring toxicity into our lives. I thought we were meant to basically continue to take the beating in hopes that they will come to Christ one day and see the error of their ways. However, I've been doing some searching of the bible to understand how to deal with certain people in my life who are causing division and mock my God and yet continue to have expectations of me as that of a loving friend or family member....

After reading scriptures to understand my role in this scenario I've come to the conclusion that if they continue to choose the worldly ways and turn their backs on God even after being shown truth and they are not repentant for their behaviour then I have Gods grace to walk away.

This is not to say that we should walk away from every tough relationship because clearly there are people who are truly sorry for their behaviour and see the errors of their ways. God forgives those who repent and accept Jesus into their hearts but ultimately we have free will to either choose him and be under his grace or choose the devil and be under condemnation.

I acknowledge that we all mess up at times and don't always get things right so this is not about those kind of scenarios. This is about those who consistently choose evil, are boastful, proud, abusive and will cause others harm without a second thought and yet when you mess up they throw every error in your face.

We as Christians are called to forgive because God first forgave us. We are not to judge the sinner because we too were like them. The aim is to be reconciled to everyone but if reconciliation is not possible then it's okay to surrender the relationship/friendship to Jesus in prayer and walk away. My hopes is that these people will come to know The Lord at some point in their lives and clearly I'm not the right person to bring them to Christ but my hopes are that the seed has been planted and someone else will do the watering in their lives. I truly forgive them and I am also sorry for the wrongs I've played however, today is a day to release them to God. I will continue to uphold them in prayer but it's time to minimize the madness!

"People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good, treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God— having a form of godliness but denying its power. Have nothing to do with such people".…..2 Timothy 3:2-5"

"Walk with the wise and become wise, for a companion of fools suffers harm".…Proverbs 13:20

"Drive out the mocker, and out goes strife; quarrels and insults are ended".…Proverbs 22:10

"Do not make friends with a hot-tempered person, do not associate with one easily angered, or you may learn their ways and get yourself ensnared".….Proverbs 22:24-25

"Do not speak to fools, for they will scorn your prudent words".…Proverbs 23:9

May God bless you as you navigate through the trials and figure out through Christ which is the best direction for you to go in... Feel free to visit this website that has helped me to come to my conclusions along with the word of God and The Holy Spirit who dwells within.

Signing Off,

Freedom from the abuser, even if they are family!

Monday, July 13, 2015

Overcoming Fear

Hi blogger-sphere!!!

Recently my husband and I returned back to our old hometown (Adelaide) where there are many happy and sad memories that we created together. It has been 2 years since we had been there as we were on a healing journey from the adultery that took place in our marriage in that particular state. For a long time I could never see myself returning there and had a strong distaste for the state I was born in due to the sin that took place there BUT today I come with amazing news!! 

Between the 5th of July 2015 and the 12th of July 2015 we went back to face our demons whilst overcoming fear and the strongholds that place held. WOW God is so so good!! I mean I hated that place with a passion and the people that were involved in the adultery that live there also. All I can say is that I faced it head on and through the power of The Holy Spirit I no longer hold anger, hurt and bitterness towards the place and the people. Praise God!! As I walked around my old stomping ground I truly experienced freedom and saw that it's just a place. The place isn't to blame, it's sin that caused my hurts. I tell you what, it was amazing to spend time with family and friends and be reunited with our loved ones. All though we don't see that place as home anymore, it will always hold fond memories. The sin covered memories are dead and buried on the cross and the people involved are strangers to us now but also they are children of God. Simple. I'm no longer tied down to the past, I have been freed by Gods grace, kindness and mercy. We truly enjoyed ourselves there. All though, the weather was freezing and not something we are use to anymore since we've been living in the NT. We were glad to overcome that hurdle and no longer be hindered by past events that clearly should have never happened and were a plan of satan himself. God didn't want these events to happen but he sure as heck used them to bring us closer to him. 

I want you all to know that there is hope and healing beyond the affects of adultery in your marriage. You can live beyond it. You don't have to be a victim forever, you can be a true survivor who no longer wears the wounds because Jesus can and will heal them completely so long as you surrender it all to him and choose to follow him. 

The 15th of September 2012 was the day my husband confessed the adultery and his brokenness and I thought this day would be an ugly reminder for the rest of my life of what nearly destroyed our marriage but I have to say, it's now the day of my husbands freedom!! It's the day that God freed him from sin and the day I got to see the real man that he is. 

You see, I knew way before this date that something wasn't right in fact years before as The Holy Spirit set my alarm bells off many times but until September 2012, it was a very heavy burden that my husband was carrying by himself. What he didn't realise is that Jesus was there when those sins took place. Jesus mourned for my husband and the affects his choices were having on himself, his family and the others involved. God wept as he saw his lost son (my husband) committing such grievous sins against God, himself and I and he couldn't leave him in it forever so bit by bit God chipped away at the wall my husband had around his heart and the scales on his eyes until one day, he just couldn't take it anymore and he hit rock bottom. The day he hit rock bottom was the day he found true freedom. THANK YOU JESUS!! I thank you my Lord that you loved my husband and I so much that you couldn't leave us in sin and that you have walked by our side through this whole journey whilst renewing our hearts and minds. I love you my Lord Jesus, we love you!!

Freedom feels amazing and to know that my heart and soul has been made right with God brings me such peace and joy. I pray you too get to experience the kind of freedom I'm experiencing today. Love conquers ALL!

Until next time, 

Miracles Do Happen!!